Pretty in Pink Gin & Tonic
This Pretty in Pink Gin & Tonic is a refreshing and visually appealing summer cocktail. The combination of gin, cranberry juice, and rose wine creates a beautiful pink hue, while the addition of lemon slices adds a hint of citrus. It's the perfect drink for warm weather, whether you're hosting a gathering or simply unwinding on a sunny day.
Pretty in Pink Gin & Tonic
A refreshing and visually appealing gin and tonic with a pretty pink hue, perfect for summer sipping.
Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
- 1 1/2 oz gin
- 1 1/2 oz cranberry juice
- 1 1/2 oz rose wine
- 2-3 thinly sliced lemons
- 1 1/2 oz tonic water
- Ice cubes
- Fill a serving glass with ice cubes.
- Pour in the gin, cranberry juice, and rose wine, then stir well to combine.
- Add the lemon slices to the glass.
- Top up with tonic water.
- Stir gently to mix the ingredients.
- Serve immediately and enjoy!